Detective Agency


The best detective is talking about us


Private - detective - agency
Waesaw Poland

'Honester' Private Detective Agancy/ Office in Warsaw

About Us: “Honester” is a professional private detective agency acting on the basis of the concessions required by Polish law. We are licenced private investigators respecting legal procedures. Each of our detectives has also civil liablity insurance.

Is a team of the young, experienced, ambitious specialists. We approach each case with great commitment, gentleness and loyalty to the client. We guarantee full discretion.
On the basis of our extensive experience we can easily say there are no impossible cases for us. We perform our actions both in Poland and abroad. We are very efficient and have a wide network of informers..
We employ only highly qualified and experienced professionals: licensed detectives, forensic experts, computer scientists, psychologists, safety auditors. We also cooperate with the professional law firm to provide our clients representation during the lawsuit in a Polish court. Many cases are conducted together to secure the best the interests of our clients.

Scope of services:
The range of our services and their expected results each time are discussed with the client. On the basis of the performed activities we prepare documentation and attach collected evidence. All terms of the cooperation, including the price, are defined at the time of acceptance.

The offer: We offer services both for individual and business clients..

Services for the individuals: We provide support particullary in the process of collecting evidence in divorce cases (betrayal), determination the place of residence, searching for missing people, observing people, places etc.

Services for business clients: We are helping mainly in such cases as: Entrepreneurs’credibility analysis (business intelligence), disclosing unfair competition, employees verification etc. We are also dealing with financial cases such as: vindication, verification of the debtors, seeking debtor's assets..